ICAI has launched free task management or practice management software for members in Practice

On 21st January 2023, ICAI has launched a free software in relation to task management or office management for it’s members in practice.


Some of the key features of the software are as under:

  1. Task management module.
  2. Document management module.
  3. Account management.
  4. Client management module.
  5. Employee management module.
  6. Generation of all intermediate reports with all aspects.
  7. Processing of data from receiving of users to concern procedures and generation of final reports.


For starters it will solve all issues of a CA firm related to time management of all Partners, employees etc. and it will also maintain time sheets for all employees.

It is absolutely free for all CA firms irrespective of whether you have 1 employee or 1000 employees and a great initiative by ICAI to help and benefit it’s members in practice.

Since the software has just been released various features will be slowly added.

Hence, it is requested to all firms to start using the software and start bringing automation in your office. There will be an onboarding team also of ICAI which will get you onboard on this software.


In the launch it was also told that this software will also help CA firms to invoice clients based on hours invested by various team members on a client as time sheet of all employees will be maintained and hence professionals will come to know about their value and how much time they are investing in a client.


To register for the software CLICK ME.


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