No additional/ Late fees for filing various Forms (such as MGT-7, AOC-4) under MCA upto 31.12.2021

Recently MCA had extended the due date for conducting Annual general meeting of the companies by two months.

Now, MCA had further extended the due date of various forms till 31.12.2021 without charging any additional fees, details of which are as under:


  1. All types of AOC-4 Form for companies: Form AOC 4 is used to file the financial statements for each financial year with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
  2. MGT-7/ MGT-7A form: MGT 7 is an electronic form provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to the companies for filing details of their annual return


E-Form AOC-4 is used to file the Financial Statements of the company along with Directors Report and other required attachments including Annual Return. e-Form MGT-7 is used to file the Annual Return of the company.


The notification of MCA extending the due dates states as under:

Keeping in view of various requests received from stakeholders regarding relaxation on levy of additional fees for annual financial statement filings required to be done for the financial year ended on 31.03.2021, it hos been decided thot no additional fees shall be levied upto 31.12.2021 for the filing of e-forms AOC-4, AOC-4 (CFS), AOC-4 XBRL, AOC-4 Non-XBRL and MGT-7/MGT-7A in respect of the financial year ended on 31.03.2021. During the said period, only normal fees shall be payable for the filing of the aforementioned e-forms.


To Read more: CLICK HERE.


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