FAQ No. |
Question |
Answer |
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Who May Attend? |
The programme is meant for CAs who have chosen to work with corporate sector (Indian / MNCs, large / midsize / small firms), own or work for CA firms, or consultancy firms etc. |
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Who is Eligible? |
Only a Chartered Accountant with an active membership status, shall be admitted to DMBF. |
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What are the centres for this Course? |
1st Batch of this course will be Mumbai and Delhi |
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When will the Clasess commence for 1st Batch, 2019-20 Session? |
Date of commencement of course on 29th November, 2019 at Mumbai and on 13th December, 2019 at Delhi, subject to having minimum 40 participants. |
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What is session timings? |
Classroom sessions will be held on every 2nd and 4th Friday & Saturday. Classes will be held on Friday from 6 pm to 9.30 pm including tea, snacks and on Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm including tea, snacks and lunch. |
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What will be the duration of the Course? |
Lectures of approx. 150-160 hours, one-week residential programme, project work, case studies, group discussions and participant-centered learning pedagogies will be used in the programme. The programme will also include speaker sessions from reputed institutes and Organizations. |
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When to register? |
Kindly visit Institute’s website at link //learning.icai.org/elearning for the information regarding commencement of the fresh batches of DMBF. For futher details about course, please get in touch with Committee Secretariat at E-mail id: cma@icai.in and Tel No. 0120- 3045905/011- 30110469 |
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How to obtain Prospectus? |
The Prospectus will be available at Institute’s website at link //learning.icai.org/elearning and can be downloaded free of cost. |
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Course Highlights |
- The DMBF curriculum is comprehensive and aligned to the requirements of senior as well as young members who aim at accelerating their career.
- Unique mix of eminent faculty comprising of academicians from leading B-schools and senior professionals from industry like credit rating agencies, investment bankers, private equity firms, portfolio managers and Head honchos of MNCs.
- Focus on Indian and global markets and relevant regulatory/tax considerations etc. in theory as well as projects.
- Innovative practical application of theoretical inputs in the form of projects, assignments, presentations before technical panels, group discussions etc.
- One Week Residential Programme in association with Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai of dedicated training at a residential campus of ICAI with state of art facilities and continuous access to eminent faculty, intense brainstorming and projects under expert guidance.
- 150-160 hours of classroom sessions to bring in a balance in perspective between theory and application.
- Healthy mix of students to enhance knowledge sharing and creating positive synergies.
- Rigorous testing procedures: Exams and projects designed in a manner to ensure high quality pass outs –which has been the hallmark of ICAI.
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What are the course contents? |
The Diploma course on Management & Business Finance comprises of the following six subjects:
Subject 1: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT -Module 1: Perspectives of Management, Module 2: Organizational Behavior: HR Perspective, Module 3: Marketing and Business Strategy, Module 4: Applied Financial Analysis & Forecasting, Module 5: Long Term Investment Analysis
Subject 2: CAPITAL STRUCTURING AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT – Module 6: Financial Planning, Module 7: Corporate Structuring, Module 8: Fund Raising, Module 9: Portfolio Management, Module 10: Alternative Investments
Subject 3: CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL MARKETS – Module 11: Capital Markets, Module 12: Regulatory Framework of Capital Market, Module 13: International Capital Markets Module 14: Debt Markets, Module 15: Fixed Income Securities, Module 16: Money Market
Subject 4: FOREX AND TREASURY – Module 17: Foreign Exchange Markets, Module 18: Forex Arithmetic, Module 19: Exchange Rates Theories, Module 20: Forex Risk Management, Module 21: Forex Derivatives (products, valuation and uses in hedging), Module 22: Treasury Management
Subject 5: VALUATIONS, M & A AND RESTRUCTURING – Module 23: Business Valuation, Module 24: Valuation of Intangibles, Module 25: Valuation of Options, Module 26: Issues & Challenges in Valuation, Module 27: Valuation – Regulatory Perspective, Module 28: Corporate Restructuring
Subject 6: BANKING AND RISK MANAGEMENT – Module 29: Banking and Trade Finance, Module 30: Banking Functions and Products, Module 31: NPA Management, Module 32: AML, IBC & Compliances, Module 33: Risk Analysis |
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What will be the total amount to be paid by the candidate for the Diploma on Management and Business Finance? |
The total fees of the course including class–room training and One-Week residential programme and excluding examination fees is Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) plus applicable taxes, if any. The residential programme fee is included in the total course fees mentioned above. The residential programme fee includes stay costs, food expenses at ICAI Centre of Excellence, Hyderabad / Jaipur. However, the travel cost will be borne by the participant only. The examination fees will be as decided by the Examination Committee. |
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What is attendance requirement for the classes? |
A candidate must mandatorily fulfil the Minimum Attendance criteria of 75% of the total classroom sessions and 100% in the residential programme. |
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What will be the Eligibility to Qualify to obtain Diploma? |
There will be 6 papers of 100 marks each for three hours and there will be project of 100 marks in each subject (Individual/group project).The project will be allotted during the classroom / residential programmes. The paper will consist of 20 % multiple choice objective type questions and 80% sbjective type question. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks separately in each paper and the candidate is also required to secure 50% in the aggregate. |
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Who are the faculty members? |
The course would be taught by renowned faculties some of them like:
CA. Dr. Vibha Jhol: FPM (Industry) – IIM, Indore
Prof. Hirnank Mazumdar: Visiting Faculty – Xavier Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai
CA. Vikram Pandya: SP Jain School of Global Management, Mumbai
CA. Biharilal Deora: Director – Abakkus Assets Manager LLP, Mumbai
CA. Vikram Menda: ISB, Hyderabad
CA. Dr. Sangeeta Pandit: Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research & Entrepreneurship Education, Mumbai
Dr. Udayan K. Basu: NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata
CA. Nitesh Bhuta: Visiting Faculty – NMIMS, SIMSREE
and other Senior profesionals from industry, practice and academicians. |
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CPE Hours |
The maximum CPE Hours granted for the course would be 30 CPE hours as under –
- 25 CPE Hours on completion of training with necessary attendance
- 5 CPE Hours after appearing in the examination.
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How to make Payment? |
Payment for the Course can be made Online through the payment gateway after clicking the link //learning.icai.org/elearning
Please note that payment of fee is subject to cancellation charges i.e. 10% of gross fee paid, in case the cancellation request is placed by the participant before starting of batch. However, the course fee once paid is non-refundable / non-adjustable once the batch commences. |
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Whether placement would be given by the ICAI |
ICAI would endeavor to provide placement assistance to the candidates who would qualify the Diploma on Management and Business Finance Course (DMBF). |
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How this course will help the candidate? |
This course will provide a comprehensive knowledge of theoretical as well as practical aspects of Business Finance both at national and international levels. This will help the candidates to make a better career both in industry or professional practice. |