ICAI has announced the Last Date for submission of Unstructured CPE Hours for the year calendar year 2020 which is 31st May, 2021.
Please Don’t forget to claim your unstructured CPE Hours for 2020.
How to submit declaration for unstructured CPE hours?
To claim the same you need to submit Online Declaration form and claim 20 Unstructured CPE Hours for the calendar year 2020.
👉 Just visit : https://cpeapp.icai.org/member/login
👉 Login with your id (membership no.) & Password
👉 After login click on Submit ULA Online
👉 Fill the details & Submit
Last Date to submit : 31st May, 2021
Kindly also refer CPE Advisory on Unstructured Learning Activities as hosted in the CPE Portal. https://www.cpeicai.org/cpe-advisory-on-unstructured-learning-activities/
What will happen if the CPE hours are not completed?
As per ICAI announcement if a member fails to complete his CPE hours requirement the names of the members with their CPE hours Requirements for the block period of 3 years would be hosted on the website of the ICAI for information of public at large.
Further, the ICAI will not be responsible in any way for any action taken by any of the regulatory authorities on the basis of the names hosted on the website for allotting the professional work to them as sole proprietor or to their partnership firm.
To strike out the name/s from the list so hosted on the website, the member/s shall have to make up any shortfall in their CPE credit hours for the above block period of 3 years by obtaining twice of the amount of the shortfall. Such addition shall be in addition to the regular CPE hours requirement for the particular Calendar year in which they are making up the shortfall.
To read the penalties CLICK HERE.