CBDT has extended the due date for updating UDIN on e filing website from 27.04.2021 to 30.04.2021.
If the UDIN is not updated on e filing website then in that case the Form Submitted will be considered as invalid. Hence, it is requested to kindly update the same before due time so that you and your clients don’t face any issue.
CBDT on e filing website has mentioned as below:
Timeline before which UDIN are to updated with respect to the audit report and certificates uploaded from 27th April, 2020 extended up to 30th April, 2021. Kindly update to avoid invalidation.”
We had mentioned in our earlier post as to how UDIN portal is notifying Chartered Accountant if UDIN is not updated in any of their Forms and Chartered accountant can later update the same.
Do remember that this update is just for Audit report and certificates, for other’s due date was 31.03.2021.