Guidelines for Examination Centres and Examination functionaries for December 2021 CA Examinations in wake of ongoing pandemic Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19).
A. Guidelines for Examination Centres
The following guidelines are issued and will be necessarily followed by all ICAI Examination centres in addition to the applicable guidelines for them issued by the Government of India/ State Governments. The Exam centres shall make sure that they fulfill the requirements stated below at all times during the period of CA examination in December 2021:
1. All the staff on examination duty shall wear Gloves and Masks for their safety and that of others during the examination exercise.
2. While the candidate have been asked to wear their own mask, carry their own water bottle and also carry 50/100 ml sanitizers bottle; the examination centres shall ensure that superintendent shall keep masks for the candidate(s) who report to require face mask or in case of malfunctioning of mask during appearance for examinations. Also, Hand Sanitizer at the venue entry and inside the examination centres shall be made available in sufficient quantity on prominent places on all the days during the conduct of examinations.
3. The exam centre shall ensure that deep sanitization of the examination rooms, common areas and washroom to ensure safety and hygiene every day after the conclusion of the examination is done so that safety requirements are met for the next day of examinations.
4. Sufficient quantity of liquid handwash/ soap shall be made available in washrooms for washing of hands.
5. The exam centres shall deploy sufficient number of thermo guns for temperature check of candidates and all staff on duty at the entry point. Those candidates/staff who are not coming with the prescribed temperature limit be asked not to enter inside the venue and where such candidates are being refused entry inside the hall, their details shall be entered in the attendance register.
6. While the candidate will carry their own water bottle, the Centre will also make sure the availability of packaged water bottle at sufficient number of locations.
7. The examination centre shall provide additional notice boards, display signages etc. for guidance of candidate / staff to display the location of rooms/sitting plan at appropriate places for the help of candidates.
8. The examination centres shall identify their different wings of the premises separately highlighting them as Wing A, B and so on. Each wing shall be a standalone examination centre. There shall be separate entry to each wing to an extent possible.
9. The exam centres shall deploy adequate staff at the entry point so that there is no crowd gathering and due social distancing is maintained.
10. The attention of the examination centre is also drawn to the guidelines issued for the centre superintendent as also for the candidates forming attachment to instant communication to give a total integrated bird eye view of the SOPs / guidelines at the ICAI exam centre.
11. While the admit card will be printed online, the candidates have to give their consent to follow the various guidelines issued by the Governmental authorities as also the ICAI by way of an undertaking. They shall also undertake that they are appearing in this examination with the full consent and permission of their parents/ guardian.
12. The exit of the candidates from 5.00 pm onwards has to be planned in such a way that the exit is allowed on the basis of room-wise occupancies to ensure that exit is in a staggered manner by keeping appropriate time gap difference between exit of candidates of two rooms.
13. All examination staff shall carry No Risk status in Aarogya Setu App installed in their Mobile.
14. As an exception due to COVID -19 precautions, candidates will be allowed to leave the examination centre from 4:00 PM onwards and the entry to the examination centre shall be allowed from 1.00 PM onwards for December 2021 Examination.
(B) Guidelines for Centre Superintendents and Observers
Centre Superintendents must ensure that following guidelines are strictly followed during the days of conduct of December 2021 CA Examinations at the examination centre/hall: –
1. Centre Superintendents should ensure that Examination Centre (Examination halls/rooms, washrooms, entrance, furniture, equipment, stationery to be used, kitchens, canteen, and common area) must be properly sanitized prior to and on the days of conduct of CA examinations. All examination staff shall carry, No Risk status in Aarogya Setu App installed in their Mobile.
2. Entry gate(s) of the examination centre must be opened at least one hour before the scheduled time of commencement of examination.
3. Proper/ Adequate social distancing as per MHA guidelines must be maintained among the candidates and functionaries both outside and in the examination Centre.
4. Each candidate and examination functionary must be subjected to thermal scanning for body temperature and hand sanitization at the time of entry to the Examination Centre. Wearing of face mask is mandatory for examination functionaries and candidates both at entrance and during conduct of examination. However, at the time of entry and confirmation of identity; the examination candidates while signing of attendance sheet, are required to remove their face mask.
5. To make arrangements for hand sanitizers for use by officials and candidate at the centre. To also make arrangement for spare masks use by candidate in case of need.
6. Exam Centres have been asked to ensure that hand sanitizers with dispensers are placed at the entrance of examination hall, washrooms etc.
7. In case Invigilator is required to help a candidate to resolve any issue, he will be needed to sanitize his hands before and afterwards (without removing gloves).
8. Washroom will be kept clean and sanitized at all times.
9. Candidates are not allowed to take inside the examination hall bags, mobile phone, smart watch, written material/books, electronic/IT gadgets or equipment capable of being used as communication/ copying device. Arrangements for informing this provision to candidates and safe keeping of these materials, if any is to be made at the examination Centre. Any infringement of these instructions will entail disciplinary actions against the candidate concerned.
10. Proper / Adequate Social distancing must be maintained among the candidates while appearing for examinations as per guidelines issued by the Government of India. Physical distancing / social distancing to be ensured while planning the seating plan.
11. Display Signages and markings for enforcing physical/social distancing and safety protocols at adequate places.
12. All candidates and examination staff to arrive at examination centre wearing a face mask and continue wearing it all through examination, especially when in examination hall.
13. Actions to be taken as per the Protocol defined in case of detection of a suspected case of COVID-19. They be asked to exit the exam premises.
14. Sufficient provision of drinking water in 250 ml disposable plastic bottles at room temperature to be made.
15. The attention of the centre superintendent and observers is also drawn to the guideline issued in respect of centres as also guidelines issued in respect of candidates so that the observer / superintendent do have full details of do’s and don’ts which are to be compulsorily observed by all set of people who are entering in the examination centres.
16. The examination centres shall identify their different wing of the premises separately highlighting them as Wing A, B and so on to the extent possible.
17. Keeping in view of the general conditions; the candidates who have completed their paper before time may be allowed to exit from 4.00 PM onwards.
18. Entry time for the examination centre shall be one hour before start of exam and candidates may come to examination centre in such a way that they report centre not before one hour before start of exam.
19. While the admit card will be printed online the candidates have to give consent to follow various guidelines issued by the Governmental authorities as also by the ICAI. They shall also undertake that they are appearing in this examination with the full consent and permission their parents/guardian.
20. The exit of the candidates from 5.00 pm onwards has to be planned in such a way that the exit is allowed on the basis of room-wise occupancies to ensure that exit is in a staggered manner by keeping appropriate time gap between exit of candidates of two rooms.
21. Observers shall visit the examination centre one day before the commencement of the exam to ensure that proper arrangements relating exam particularly for sanitization of the centre, masks, sanitizers, thermo scanning and the entry to different wings A & B are made by the centre as per these guidelines and confirmed to Head Office about compliance.
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