Following the footsteps of CBDT for Income Tax, CBIC has also launched the faceless assessment scheme under Customs.
Earlier the same was launched as Turant custom scheme in phased manner but now it has been implemented in full force in many regions.
In the first phase it was mentioned as to how assessment centres will be established wherein we could see that assessment centres were based on different industries.
However, now the entire guidebook has been provided by CBIC on same depicting the full picture as to how faceless assessment would be conducted in Customs.
At the launch of this guidebook CBIC, chairman has introduced the scheme as under:
“A key enabler in Turant Customs is Faceless Assessment. It is being rolled out in phases and is scheduled to cover the entire country by 31st October 2020. This would enable uniform, anonymous Customs assessments and reduce interface between the Trade and Customs officers.
The response of Custom officials to the dynamics of the worldwide changes in the ecosystem has been commendable. In this regard, the efforts of Indian Customs, in particular, have been notable, particularly the pace with which it has constantly adapted and evolved in this large and diverse country.
I commend the officers of CBIC for their commitment to the cause of regulatory reforms aimed at enhanced efficiency. Our efforts need to be complementary and synergized at all times to ensure that the reforms enable a conducive and transparent environment for businesses involved with cross-border trade in India.”
To read the guidebook CLICK HERE.