In our earlier post we had discussed that revised MEF form for 2021-22 expected to arrive in October 2021, however the original form has been made live in October, 2021. Details of which are as under:
Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) has been Activated for Empanelment of Bank Audit for the Year 2021-22
Professional Development Committee (PDC) is pleased to host the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2021-22, which is available at . This year we have made the MEF application simpler and more user friendly. The data pertaining to members and firms will be auto populated from the SSP Database. All data appearing in the green fields is un-editable and members should ensure correctness of the data. In case of any mismatch in the data of the green fields, kindly modify the same at the SSP Portal and indicate such changes in the comment box given against green fields in the MEF Application. We advise the members to doubly cross check and verify the authenticity of the data thereat.
For this year also the declaration for the MEF Application will be sought from the member/ partners/ proprietor through validation of One Time Password (OTP) instead of scanned / digital signatures as was done in the past.
In case of Partnership firms, all the continuing partners must validate the declaration through OTP, else the MEF application will not be treated as submitted. In case all the continuing partners are not able to validate as any partner has retired/left or any other reason, such reason be informed, and the remaining partner may validate the OTP.
OTP will be sent to the Email-id and Mobile Number as registered in SSP of ICAI. Any modification required in email or mobile number, has to be done in SSP only. No such changes would be allowed in MEF. Any such change will be reflected in MEF on real time basis through the Refresh Button in MEF
The information of association of the partner / proprietor / member elsewhere will be shared immediately to the applicant on logging to the MEF.
The firms with common partners who will withdraw from Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel (for making one firm eligible for Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel) will be considered for other Panels.
It may be noted that change in any data in MEF will only be considered if it is updated and reflected in SSP of ICAI at the link
The category will be informed to the applicant on the submission of the Declaration validated through OTP by the continuing Partners / Proprietor / Member practicing in his individual name. Further, in case of the applicant is ineligible for Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel, the reason therefor would be exhibited in the acknowledgement after submission of the Declaration.
Attention of the members is invited that we have been noting material mismatches in the information submitted during the MEF filing and the same will be viewed seriously. In case the same is not found in order it shall be reported for further action. As in the past, cases selected at random for scrutiny will also be required to submit their supporting documents for verification by office.
Please Note- Any modification will be accepted in MEF records only as per MEF/RBI Norms at the time of preparation of the Panel.
For Detail visit:
For Login
Last Date: 10th Nov 2021
For any Clarification / Query / Complaint Please Lodge the same under the Tab “MEF Complaint Entry”
In case, the Complaint is Not Resolved within 5 Working Days,
Write at
Call (between 3 PM to 5 PM)
CA. Riya Gupta
78381 38755
Mr. Manish Bhardwaj
98189 06346
Ms. Priya Duggal
96500 16350
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