The new income tax e-filing website i.e. e-filing 2.0 was first launched in June, 2021. From the time of it’s launch people have been facing issues.
The government had also addressed the issues and had recently announced that the website will be back to normal in next 2-3 weeks.
The various issues/ errors being faced on e-filing website includes:
- Not able to file return of Income.
- Not able to e-verify income tax return.
- Not able to submit Form 15CA and 15CB online.
- Not able to file Appeal online or submit reply in case of assessment proceedings or check the status of proceedings.
With regard to the people not being able to file Form 15CB online, government had provided relaxation to file the same manually. However the extension was expired on 15.08.2021 and now people have been facing issues in submitting Form 15CA and 15CB online.
Today, on 21.08.2021 the income tax e-filing website i.e. is being shown as under maintenance for 1 day (as can be seen in the image above) wherein you can visit the homepage of the website but cannot login or do any activities. The website shows the below message:
“Portal is going through a maintenance activity on 21st August 2021. Inconvenience caused is regretted.”
Although it has been mentioned that the website is maintenance only for today but we don’t know how long will it take and whether after this maintenance everything would work smoothly or not.
Further, there are various due dates which are arriving such as due date for registration under section 12AB for trust due on 31.08.2021 or filing of Income tax return, due date of submitting response to assessment or appeal notice etc.
Let’s hope when the website comes back from maintenance it starts working smoothly.
You can book phone consultation/ assistance online with expert as mentioned below:
To book ITR filing with experts CLICK ME.
To book phone consultation with experts for any Income tax related matters CLICK ME.
To book consultation for Faceless Assessment with experts CLICK ME.
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